PowerCurve — customer success story

Jun 4, 2024

The power of CFD

PowerCurve puts atNorth Gompute HPCaaS platform at the heart of its aerodynamic innovation.

PowerCurve is a global provider of blade aerodynamic upgrade solutions, digital services, and consultancy services for the wind turbine industry. They rely on novel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis to model complex 3D flows, which allows them to optimize performance and upgrade solutions to meet the requirements of every individual turbine blade.

To support its business computation needs, PowerCurve sought an HPCaaS platform capable of delivering the necessary HPC bursting capacity required for simulation and visualization projects. PowerCurve estimates that by using atNorth’s Gompute HPC platform, it has been able to increase the resulting wind turbine annual energy production realized from their products by at least 10%.

The flexibility of the Gompute bursting cluster has also enabled PowerCurve to increase company revenue by enabling the company to take on more CFD consultancy projects knowing that the required computational resources will be available as and when required.

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Key Benefits

Reduce runtime

Drive productivity by reducing simulation runtime and increasing throughput

Maximize output

Visualize the full 3D flow to provide optimal VGs to maximize power output


Rapidly scale computational resources up and down as required

Increase revenue

As a direct result of projects it can now design and run on the platform

Implementing the Gompute HPCaaS technology has been a huge success for PowerCurve. With atNorth’s Gompute HPCaaS platform, we can run larger, more complex cases, which improves the accuracy of our results and provides deeper insight that we can leverage to make even greater improvements to wind turbine performance.

Nicholas Gaudern
CTO, Powercurve

atNorth’s Gompute HPCaaS platform delivers High Performance Computing, either as a Private Cloud service with bare-metal compute nodes for HPC workloads or as Bursting Clusters, reducing total cost of ownership while ensuring ultimate time to market, great performance, and a sustainable approach.

Download our Case Study and learn more about how our platform could help your workloads.

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