SWE04 campus

Strategic location for Swedish mega campus

atNorth’s fourth data center site SWE04 in Sollefteå, is a 30 hectare plot is strategically located for its infrastructure, energy capacity and benefits from Sweden’s cool climate, abundance of renewable energy and skilled workforce. 

With an initial capacity of 200MW the site will be atNorth’s first mega site in Sweden.

SWE04 will leverage all the advantages offered by Sweden: security, sustainability and energy efficiency. Average temperatures allow for efficient free natural cooling and its energy resources ensure large amounts of renewable, carbon free energy at highly competitive and stable prices.

Our SWE04 campus will ensure:

carbon free energy

Powered by energy from renewable sources

High energy efficiency

Compute heat is utilized to warm homes in local community, creating a circular economy and lowering your footprint

liquid cooling ready

Specifically designed for data-intensive businesses

Find out more about atNorth’s sustainable approach

atNorth overarching mission is to continue to innovate and develop a decarbonizing platform to support our customers with their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable planet. atNorth has built its services to be environmentally responsible to provide organizations with a pathway to low-carbon digital operations.

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